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Indwelling Word-Reprised

Writer: Seattle ALCSeattle ALC

The Indwelling Word 


The Word of God is able to supply all of our needs.  It is God’s means to awaken us to an awareness of the importance of spiritual things.  It is also by its power that we are brought from spiritual darkness to the light of His kingdom where we receive the assurance of our salvation and the attributes of His Spirit—righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  We are thankful that we derive all of these benefits from the Word.


  However, the blessings of the Word are by no means only the enlivening and enriching experiences of the past but are intended to be our daily issues of life. In writing to the Colossians, St Paul says: “LET THE WORD OF CHRIST DWELL INYOU RICHLY IN ALL WISDOM, TEACHING AND ADMONISHING ONE ANOTHER IN PSALMS ANDHYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, SINGING WITH GRACE IN YOUR HEARTS TO THE LORD.” (Colossians. 3:16)


  By using the word "dwell”, St Paul seeks to emphasize that the Word is not only an occasional guest in our lives, but that it is intended to dwell with us. I think that it is significant that these Colossian believers were encouraged to “let” or “allow” the Word to dwell in them. We have no doubt about God’s desires in this matter for He wants His Word to be the very source of our lives. Let us ask ourselves this question. Is the Word of Christ dwelling in me? While the fellowship of believers experienced in the church worship is if singular importance, we dare not limit the Word to a weekly or bi-weekly visit or just to an occasional meeting. It is essential for us to let the Word of Christ dwell in us in order for us to have strength for our daily lives.


 In all the events of our lives, this living Word is able to shed its light in our hearts so that we are aware of God’s will for us and are strengthened to walk in the way He has appointed. The light of God’s Word is so remarkable that even though we cannot see the way (for we walk by faith and not by sight) we can travel with confidence because we know that the Lord is guiding us with His omniscient eye. (Psalms 32)


 It is a source of courage in those times when we do not feel the Lord’s presence because through its teachings, we can be confident that the Lord knows the way that we take and when He has tried us, we shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10) God’s Word causes joy to displace sadness when we remember that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. (Romans 8:28)


Since there are inexhaustible riches in the Word, our meditation text tells us to let the Word dwell in us richly. Let us pray that the Lord will help us to take greater advantage of the treasures which are enclosed in this divine revelation of Himself. In so doing, we will then not only derive spiritual blessings for ourselves but will possess those which we can share with others as well.

  God is glorified when His Word dwells in us and is the fount of life from which our spirits drink, and we are then enabled to sing with grace in our hearts to the Lord.  Oh, that we might thereby offer the sacrifices of praise to God—the fruit of our lips in the giving of thanks to His Name.”  (Hebrews 13:15)

“How precious is the Book divine,

By Inspiration given!

Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine

To guide our souls to heaven

It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts

In this dark vale of tears,

Life, light, and jot it still imparts,

And quells our rising fears.

This lamp through all the tedious night

Of life shall guide our way.

Til we behold the clearer light

Of an eternal day."

(Author Unknown)

From the archived writings of the late Pastor A.C. Holmgren March 1987 bulletin,

submitted by Pastor Stan

I published this article of our late Pastor 5 years ago as we were entering the unknown of the Covid era. Today as we look forward, the future is equally unknown. The amazing blessing that the Word has for us is that it hasn't changed one iota in the ability it provides in securing our hearts from fear. The circumstances of each one of us has changed, but our God hasn't. The Word he has sent can still sweetly cheer "our drooping hearts" and quell "our rising fears"!

Pastor Stan


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