The miracle of redemption is the essence of Christmas. God is worthy of eternal praise for this, the greatest of all gifts. In observing Christmas, we follow many traditions. Although these customs have their place in our families and even in the church, let us not permit them to obscure the true spirit of Christmas.
Christmas was so important that God did not entrust the announcement of this sacred event to a mortal being. Instead, He sent His angel to proclaim the Savior's birth. The angel's message contained the essence of Christmas. It remains the key to true Christmas joy, anchored in Jesus Christ, and manifest in the worship and praise of God.
As we enter this Advent Season, let us prayerfully contemplate the message that the angel of the Lord gave to the Bethlehem shepherds: Fear not, for, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10-11).
The evangelical nature of this announcement declares the significance of Christmas by using the word savior. Christmas cannot be separated from its fundamental purpose. Without the Savior, Christmas is mere sentiment and outward festivity. The true Christian Christmas is anchored in the gospel of Christ that is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes (Rom. 1:16).
The message of Christmas reminds us that we are sinners. Otherwise, Jesus would not have had to come. Christ's mission was to save the lost. He came to die in our stead. For that reason it has been said that the shadow of the cross rested over the manger: the evidence of God's grace in Jesus Christ, the Savior.
When the Gospel has revealed the coming Savior, we hear the second sound of Christmas: the praise of God. After the angel told the Bethlehem shepherds of the birth of Christ, suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2:13-14).
When we have heard and responded to the angel's message of redemption, we too can unite our hearts and voices in a song of praise. Whereas before, the judgment of God rested upon us because of our sins, the Gospel of the Christ who came that night creates peace in our hearts when it is received by faith. The coming of the Savior has made it possible for the peace of God to rest upon all believers. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:1). The praise of God flows from the hearts of the redeemed. We are at peace with God, we have peace in our hearts, and we are at peace with our fellowmen.
Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians
Rejoice, rejoice, ye Christians
0 hear the blessed tidings,
The Lord, the Christ, is born.
Now brought us by the angels
That stand about God's throne;
0 lovely are the voices
That make such tidings known!
0 hearken to their singing!
This Child shall be your Friend;
The Father so hath willed it,
That thus your woes should end
The Son is freely given,
That in Him ye may have
The Father's grace and blessing,
And know He loves to save.
Nor deem the form too lowly
That clothes Him at this hour;
For know ye what it hideth?
'Tis God's almighty power.
Though now within the manger
So poor and weak He lies,
He is the Lord of all things,
He reigns above the skies.
Magdeburg Geistliche Lieder
From the Archives of the Late A.C. Holmgren December 2003
Submitted by Pastor Stan